
Aegis study reports prevalence of identified drug-drug interactions based on detection of ingested substances.

InterACT Rx™ identified at least one drug-drug interaction (DDI) between recently ingested substances in as many as 20% of patients.

Nashville, Tennessee (Sept. 19, 2018) – In a recently published study of more than 15,000 patients, 20% had at least one DDI identified. Risk of DDIs has been shown to contribute to patient harm, hospitalization, and increased healthcare costs. Despite improvements in electronic health record (EHR) systems and implementation of strategies to reduce drug-drug interactions (DDIs), patients are still negatively impacted by adverse drug events (ADEs) caused by DDIs.

Aegis offers a focused assessment of DDIs called InterACT RxTM involving medications commonly prescribed in your practice, but it also circumvents some of the subjectivity of medication reconciliation that has proven to leave gaps in patient care.

Click here for more information on InterACT RxTM

Click here to view the article abstract

About Aegis Sciences Corporation

Founded in 1990, Aegis Sciences Corporation is a laboratory sciences company based in Nashville, Tenn., that provides science-driven testing and consulting services for clients such as healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, professional and amateur sports organizations, leading college and university athletic programs, Fortune 500 corporations, and government agencies throughout the United States. For more information please visit


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