17 Mar Aegis Sciences COVID-19 Update
To Our Customers,
Aegis Sciences would like to take a moment to say ‘Thank You’ to all of our partners and customers who continue to service their communities’ healthcare needs amidst the current challenges with Coronavirus (COVID-19.) Our laboratory is and will remain fully operational and available to you as your practice continues providing essential health services in these extraordinary times.
The federal government released “The President’s Coronavirus Guidelines For America” on March 16th. These new guidelines highlight the vital role we, as healthcare providers, play in helping our communities through this issue. The guidelines state:
If you work in a critical infrastructure industry, as defined by the Department of Homeland Security, such as healthcare services and pharmaceutical and food supply, you have a special responsibility to maintain your normal work schedule. You and your employers should follow CDC guidance to protect your health at work.
Aegis takes seriously our obligation and duty to remain operational and ensure the availability of our testing services throughout this epidemic. We will stand with you, our clients, as you continue treating your patients, which will reduce putting additional strain on our hospitals. During these challenging times, Aegis has taken extra precautions to protect our employees, our customers, your patients, and the communities we serve.
We are following expert national and international recommendations and other validated information regarding the virus. Since Aegis routinely handles biological specimens and is focused on safety, we are trained and take necessary precautions required to reduce risks associated with this threat. Our practices and record in this area are exemplary. We have taken the following onsite measures to protect the health and well-being of our employees, clients, and vendors:
- restricted our laboratory facilities to essential testing and safety personnel
- developed contingency plans to maintain business operations if circumstances change significantly in the coming days and weeks
- secured additional sanitation/disinfectant tools for our specimen collectors
- secured additional CDC approved supplies to enhance normal cleaning and disinfectant routines
- deployed remote workforce programs, staggered schedules for critical onsite employees, and implemented recommended social distancing guidelines
Aegis support is and will remain available through your local Sales Representative, Clinical Science Experts, and Client Service teams. Thank you for your trust in continuing to serve your drug monitoring needs as we move forward together. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely and will provide prompt updates.
Frank Basile, M.D.
Chief Executive Officer, Aegis Sciences Corporation